Hi I’m probably doing wrong but I can’t use unRegistercallback, i wanted to use this now for a new thing that i’m working on, anyhow this is what i d…
I have solved my problem now without using RegisterTimeCallback(), the problem where that when i animated the strength of an opacity map then it didn’…
thank you i think that will work, but now when i have registerTimeCallback example: fn time_p = print currentTime registerTimeCallback time_p then i …
Hi thank you for you taking your time to try helping me. (: I did actually think that I did the most part wrong because i didn’t really understand th…
denisT: that is what the help says: [left]When a mapButton is used in a rollout in a scripted material or textureMap plug-in, and so turn up the M…
I have solved it now, the problem with my other material was that i were a VrayBlendMtl
Yes it works now, thank you EDIT: Now the off (no logo works) I guess I need to do the same for the on option (with logo). I still don’t really und…
Hi sorry for the noob question but how should I implement that in my code?^^ (btw I’m very new to max script and this is my first script that I’m try…
The whole current code(open in new window/tab): if I add messagebox”on” and “off” then the if statement seams to work fine. VIDEO 720p: www.patan77…
logo03 is just the name but when I checks the value of the radio button in the max listener i get the value 2 when on and the value 3 when off. Don’t …
I have solved it now (kind of) the value -1.09279e-005 is as I got it, is a more exact float value in max 2011 and newer. and the problem was that wh…
I’m sorry that I ask so much questions but now I have a really weird problem that I think even you guys finds it weird. When I rotate Circle012(see i…