Thank you very much!! this is great B
If anyone is looking for some MCG ‘basics’ tutorials, Michael Spaw and I cooked some up and posted them along with the packaged MCG files to play with…
Thanks for the response. I used this script initially to connect the gizmo, to a null with a look at constaint (link to camera) and it rotates the gi…
Awesome – thanks Denis!
Alright – we changed the mats all over to standard materials. There are now 7 unique materials…instanced into a gigantic multi-sub mat with 65 instan…
The materials show up as ‘Autodesk Metal’ – I’m thinking it’s one of the archVis mats. *EDIT: We have changed them all to standard materials
Thanks – you are awesome! Could you give me a quick walk through of how it works / how I use it? we dropped it in and hit evaluate, but I’m not sure …
Nice find! My coworker is buddies with Matt from Boomer Labs and he’s an awesome dude. He has created some custom scripts and tools for our shop. W…
I’ve done similar setups with a spring position controller on a null with a look at…this works great when you want some secondary motion throughout a …
Update: I dug up Peter Watje’s old float spring controller and it seems to do everything that I need…except it only works in max 2012 and earlier. H…