Thanks for the reply and sorry for the mess. as am busy with alot of staffs, its take me some time to see the point in this topic.
i see… looks like my post is more personal request never mind… well, i’ll apricate your help on this as using simple primitive and extrude it with mo…
ain’t sure if any meat on this bone… Denis? it w’d be not so cool result on small brick pattern but a good base primitive at all, i think, just not an…
strange, sleep() never fail for me. you can test it accuracy if you like ( st = timeStamp() sleep 30 et = (timeStamp() – st) / 1000 format “Max w…
Never used Maxwell myself but as i remember you can set how much time to render to enjoy batch mode, and in this case the render-time is known.
the script working at all, but now i test it and made 2 mini editings, so just replace/update this 2 lines: –//OLD: ro = getNodeByName objToRot.text…
well, i’ll do this in another way… but after brief reading the code, i made some quick (and not tested) editing. i hope its hepls anyway ( if main_wi…
There no any com switch to target the connection to 32 or 64 bit version, as you create ole object in Max x32 it should connect to PS x32 (only) and t…
maybe loading your web page with dos command and using concrete app (like iexplore for ex.) + some options? worth to try [ref] Internet Explorer Comm…
I never played with the SDK so can’t help with code, but of’cuz its possible. There’s examples in “OUR_MAX_VERS_SDK\maxsdk\howto\utilities” folder #i…
maybe moving the creation of dotnet timer inside the on-open handle w’d make it more sequre
Many thanks for the reply! I was not aware of that this handlers only control the gizmo drawing. Now with this note in mind I can continue
jinj: this was exactly the idea Anubis had about… he also looked into rhino, but he couldn’t find a useful sets of data for the orientation. Yes,…
Seems to me that volume test is a good comparison for cube. (for ex. the cube with dimension 1 (1x1x1) has volume 1) As for the cylinder, volumeselec…