I used these texture sheets: eye mouths And here’s the result: The animation’s not that great but you get the idea. For the blink I put a Scri…
I did something kind of similar for a cartoony character in a game. For the eyelids I basically did a sprite sheet of eyes (with no pupils) with drawi…
denisT: i know about these problems of Euler Filter. I just want to know that is the case that can be solved with the Filter or it’s something diffe…
Thank you, guys! That is actually MUCH more clear than the help files. I guess I didn’t realize that even default transform controllers would be exclu…
Denis, I LIVE in the MXS help files. This particular topic wasn’t making any sense to me so I asked for help because I am trying to learn and understa…
huh, isProperty seems to work the way I expected hasProperty to. Thanks, man. isProperty returns true while hasProperty still returns false… I wonder …
Hey Paul! It’s awesome to have you weigh in! Your website is a goldmine! On this setup, to get the upper lid to close with the blink spinner I just …
Hey, thanks I’ll check it out!
That’s genius! You’re good! :bowdown:
Hey man! Have you tried this? [left]<Point3>WM3_MC_GetMorphPoint <Morpher_Class>Morpher <integer>channel_index <integer>in…
Hey man! Really cool! Thanks for sharing it
Would this be a good place to use try()catch()? try ( print selection[1].name as string ) catch ( messagebox “Yut oh! T’aint nothing selected!” )