This also works: ( struct struct_myStruct ( fn heyWorld=print “hey world”, fn getFn = heyWorld ) myStruct=struct_myStruct() theTimer = dotN…
From the mxs help: It is safer to say $box01.inode.handle than $box01.handle. This is to prevent cases where the baseobject has property called ha…
I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to do, but if you’re using a dialog, you can make it modal. Cheers, o
Hey Matan, You could also use the #noMap flag of the array copy method. I’m not quite sure about the referencing going on when you do that, as descri…
I’ve added some comments, hopefully it will make it a bit more readable. ( — This function returns and array of bitArrays, each holding the — fa…
Rorschach is right, the script is not exactly leaking memory, it’s max’s undo buffer that gets filled. Turning off the undo buffer solves this and inc…
How about this: Instead of going with the edit_poly modifier, creating a snapshot and converting it to editable poly object, this way you don’t have t…
Hi, Try removing the print commands (especially from inside the loop). Prints can slow things down quite a bit. Cheers, o
Hi loocas, If this works for you, great! When I tried it, I had no problem connection to MySQL through the ODBC connector. The issue was that some da…
Hi, I don’t know what might be the problem. It’s been a while since I last used it, and I don’t have it setup anymore, so I can’t test. However, my f…
Hi, I also had issues trying to connect to MySQL with max 8 using ODBC. The main problem is not connecting, but the incomplete values conversion of m…
Hi Dieter, Take a look at dotNetMXSValue in the MXS help. I think this is the instrument maxscript provides to avoid the issue you’re having. cheers…
Another option: Cheers, o
( rci = rolloutCreator “myRollouts” “My Rollout” rci.begin() totalLayers = LayerManager.count – 1 rci.addControl #edittext “T” “Text…
That option is still there, it just doesn’t have a shortcut key anymore. Look at Tools Menu -> Edit Rollout hOpe this helps, o