Thanks ivanisavich, this completely fixed it!!!
Why is the wizard bad. This is my only bug?
thanks buddy, appreciated. Back on track
thanks denisT, it was really simple for (int i = 0; i < pmesh.numv; ++i) { //pmesh.GetVertexSpace(i, tm); if (SelVerts[i]) { Point…
I cant solve it for MNmesh. I’m learning SDK and this is my second small plugin. This moving of verts or edges in MNmesh is one small problem of the …
Hi denisT, its part of a modifer plugin i’m working on. do you mean using mxs in cpp?
This completely fixed it!! thanks so much ivanisavich. I was banging my head against the wall getting the dlm to work on the farm and workstations I…
Ok just figured out its not showing a name and the UI is missing. Not sure why.
Thanks Klvnk, I’m such a newb Im still stuck. I know that I have the extruded edges selected pmesh.ExtrudeEdges(MN_SEL, &chamData, tUpDir); the…
I’ve got the edges selected but how the hell do I remove them with their verts & face. It’s hard to find what your looking for in the samples
thanks Klvnk, fixed! Im trying to figure out how to delete selected edges now
Trying to get the offset of mnmesh::Slice to correspond to the units system, ie slice every 10mm. Unsure how to do this, this is the description on th…