thanks josh i will give it a go although i have pre render and postrender scripts running already. This may cause a conflict. I will let you know the …
well here is the tricky bit. I have developed a script that animates vray proxies. Basically the vray proxy has a filename which is just a network pat…
thanks for the script I am writing a animated vray proxy script and at the mo it depends on the scenes time line changing according to the what frame…
thanks for noticing. sloppy coding.
( parameters main rollout:params ( whatStart type:#integer animatable:true ui:whatStart default:0.0 ) rollout params “Animate Options” ( spinn…
I have tried the above mentioned by george which just allowed me to enable the red brackets but this still does not allow me to animate the spinner. I…
thanks g ,much appreciated i will take a look nebille