Ok, I succeeded and the solution was finally in fact easy : It indeed works when using a #postSystemStartup callback which trigger the function evalu…
Hi, Thanks and sorry for my late answer : i wasn’t “online” yesterday. I have tried your code, but it doesn’t work : my guess is that the macroscrip…
Thanks, the first one i used it, but it doesn’t solve the problem as the toggle doesn’t switch to the correct state (it only avoid throwing errors at …
Hm, but the toggle is located in the statubar, and the initial state of the toggle (on ischecked do…) must be true or false at the moment the script i…
Thanks a lot, i’ll give it a try… But i can’t believe i missed it from the MXS Help.
Thanks for answering, It seems promising (and i’ve learned somethigh here), but i’m not sure it would solve the problem. Let me explain : The operati…
Thanks, the double colon did the trick. We learn each day
Thanks, the doc wasn’t (for me) very explicit about this option, but it does the trick.
Thank you for answering. I thought someting like this was happening and wanted to try a nodeunlinked, but it seems impossible to make the nodepredele…