That is not what the STL check modifier is used for, and no it does not check if you have errors or problems with your mesh. The STL Check modifier c…
I think you can only compile plug-ins in 2005 for Max 9.
They used the control in the render to textures script. I think that’s been around since version 7.
ah. rolloutcreator is the trick. I didn’t know about that one. You can create groups side-by-side by defining the position and size of the groups. Th…
There is the “execute” command that will allow you to run a string as MaxScript source code. You could generate the source code you need based upon ho…
lol! Sorry if that wasn’t very clear. This is a good one for wikipedia! The following might be incorrect, because I’m not a mathematics guy! Bary…
Well, as you instance tiles across the polygon surface. You can check if a tile is inside a triangle by calculating it’s barycentric coordinate. If th…
Yea, I don’t get it. Are you trying to create a roof? If yes, why is it flat? What are the teapots for? And why are you performing a boolean operatio…
I don’t think MaxScript is multi-threaded where two or more functions run at the same time. Mapped functions allow you to pass an array to a function…
In your sample script source code. I can’t see how it would increase memory of an array. But, if memory is a problem when calling that function. Try …
abyjoe: so i defined it Global, this is the only array i.e. Global… is this ok to do this or to return the multisub array from the function that c…
There are a number of things you can do to control memory usage. I can’t see if your memory usage is high or low, because you didn’t post the script, …
Thanks! I read that in the manual, but forgot that use to “medit” interface. Arg…:eek:
That sucks. I added a little button to the side of the materialbutton, which will open the material editor and place the material in slot #1. Does an…