Read the manual. MaxScript Language Reference / 3ds Max Objects / Node: MAXWrapper / Node Common Properties.
Yea, that is the wrong property. $.editable_mesh is used for vertex animation and you can not assign it a new mesh via MaxScript. 3D Studio Max shoul…
I don’t understand why your new scripted plug-in would have a “editable_mesh” property. I think it should… PluginObj.mesh = Meshobj.mesh update Plug…
Hi Fernando, I’m puzzled. :shrug: The min/max values should not be changing when the object is rotated, and you read them in object space. The only …
Yes, that is a bug. It should have been this. in coordsys local ( box = obj.max – obj.min r = if box.x > box.y then box.x else box….
I’m glad you guys got it working. The MZP is not up to date with the changes with Max 9, but if they updated it then the MZP wouldn’t work on older v…
I spent an hour last night testing it before I released it. I guess I screwed something up. I am still trying to figure out the best way to implement …
Oh stupid me. I named the file wrong. Should be ending with .mcr Go ahead and delete the thread if you want mods.
Thank you for all the great work.
Thanks eek, I was just going to post something like that. But your post was much better.
Yea, domain lookup can be a pain. It could be just taking a while for DNS servers to be populating your IP changes across the internet. It can take up…
I assume your wanting to do this with the SDK, and not MaxScript? It seems to me to be a lot of work for just having a smart object that changes it’s…
I can load the scene file in Max 8, but if I load it in Max 9. Then it crashes Max. This isn’t a scripting problem. Your scene file has become corrup…