Thanks b
So digging further and looking at examples for i = 0 to 10 do format “% ” (formattedPrint i format:”03d”) gives me 000 , 001 etc . I am still unsure…
I have a set of files numbered 001 to 022 , I am using a loop to cont through each file and assign it to a material dif slot , so file 004 goes into …
Thanks for the answers gents , I will digest b
Gold ! thanks b
Yes Mambo, thats where I have fallen over , thanks for the verbose output. I am really enjoying max script !
Sorry I am not getting the syntax for this can you show me an example ? name = #( “lights” , “cameras”, “foo” , “dave” , “mike”) for name = ? ( Lay…
please feel free to expand with an example if you can .Are you implying that I create the layers with collect , that will then give an arra , which I …