Here’s something of a construction function I’m trying to use; but it just won’t do it. It’ll compile though, so I know I’m close. Here’s what it sh…
I think there’s a way to detect a reset via callbacks. Do a search in the MaxScript referance manual for #systemPreNew and it should give you the pag…
Bobo found my similar post on another forum and answered my problem. Here is his post in case anyone has this trouble again. Thank you Bobo!! Bo…
Well, as you know, you can use 3dsMax to create boolean compound objects using two operands. You can alter how they’re displayed, how they interact wi…
Aww…Depressing. Hey Alpine; maybe you can help me with another pickle I’m in: Is it possible to have MaxScript extract an operand from a boolean? I…
I must’ve overlooked those tutorials. They talk about making a hybrid between the two?
I tried moving the rollout description into the attributes, and it compiled (wierd). However, my second test is still on the fritz. If you check one…
Brilliant! I’ll impliment that right away!
Agreed; I think this would make a great challenge!
Ah; I see now! Bobo; again your insight has shown me the right way to do things! I’m back on the right track. Thank you very much!
P.P.S. For instance, I really wish I could have used <node>.max and <node>.min because it would have allowed me to get points along the bo…