Sounds like a job for “while” functionality.
Go figure. Once you post about it, you find the answer yourself. :rolleyes: cui.registerDialogBar is the call I was looking for.
That’s true! It’s a lot like getting <node>.pos in that it’s a property without a representation. A node is like a wrapper; it holds the data …
Turns out that you CAN get the handle of the window, but only on creation- not when it’s sitting in the UI. Nice work Autodesk. I found a really tac…
Ah!!! It has to be open for it to show up in the right-click menu. Thanks a bunch! I kept closing it going “Gah, I want it up there, not floating”. …
Never Mind. I solved it; turns out I needed to restart max because the old def was taking precidence. The ordering works now. Thanks for the repl…
Sweet! Got a reply on Area forums. Turns out you can remove the rollout when the first one loads, and then apply the param block. Special thanks to…
Any thoughts fellas? Rollouts lose a lot of appeal if their variables dry up every time you swap them out. 🙁 Would it be taboo if I wrote my own…
Super cool, Zbuffer! That kept it from loading immediatly. Think there’s a way to get a param block to work on it too?
Would that work with Param blocks too?