I separate the functions that I write for ANY script in a colinfunctions.ms file and include a — Includes include “$scripts/colinfunctions.ms” i…
Excellent, thanks a ton for that snipped ZBuff, I wasn’t aware there was a getclassinstances! Thanks for pointing me in the correct direction. And t…
I am using EnumerateFiles to easily catch the missing files, and I have max about to even tell me what objects are missing bitmaps with a click. Some…
You probably have something like rollout rlt_Progress “Progress” ( rlt_main.pbar.value = 100/i –foo ) rollout rlt_main “Test Rollout” …
Thank you very much, perfect!
Unfortunately I don’t offhand. The ChaosGroup forum doesn’t have any specific maxscript help, but there are a large handful of people that do the kno…
We do Arch-vis as well, without this tool we’d be reinventing the wheel time and time again. It does everything (dependancies etc) that you need and …