some examples: myarray = #() — initialization myarray = #(13.0,14.0,15.0,16.0,16.5) print myarray[1] 13.0 print myarray[3] 15.0 for i in my…
currentlySelected = getCurrentSelection() for obj in currentlySelected do ( try ( showTextureMap obj.material obj.material.diffuseMap on ) catch…
check out the showinviewport function used like this objs = getCurrentSelection() for o in objs do ( try showInViewport o.material o.mat…
if you make it a multilistbox then you can select multiple things -Colin
( clearlistener() FSM_Connected_Manager.Disconnect() FSM_Connected_Manager = netrender.getmanager() ManagerPresent = FSM_Connected_Manager.connect #m…
I have no problems evaulating and printing the value of sak_INIfile after this is initialized on my 32bit max9.
bmaps = getClassInstances BitmapTexture for b in bmaps do ( — do something to the scene’s bitmaps ) Thanks for digging up those links Geor…
I’m confused, you want a script that turns off ShowInViewport for all the bitmaps seen in the viewport? I don’t think that’s what you are referring t…
What’s a railing path? And what exactly are you trying to do?
Good to hear, getclassinstances helps because bitmaps can appear in displacement maps, projection maps etc. Glad it helped. -Colin
there is an easier way bmaps = getClassInstances BitmapTexture for b in bmaps do ( local thefile = filenameFromPath b.filename if thefile == …
coping the camera itself will copy the FOV, and switching back to Perspective will NOT change the FOV of the camera it was just in.