No thanks necessary, we all receieve help daily from these boards, glad to contribute.
Welcome to the Community Sandy! I have just a few general comments about scripting in general etc. Your code looks poorly formatted in the forum, wh…
with redraw on ( ) with redraw off ( ) disableSceneRedraw() enableSceneRedraw() ^ Have always worked for me no problems redrawing. -Colin
If I understand you correctly, you might want to check out mergeMaxFile() getOpenFileName() getFiles() -Colin
In the OP’s 3rd example that’s exactly what I get when I paste from mxs editor. Big double spaces between each line. -Colin
you can’t omit the val on “on spner changed val do” because it will always pass the value of the spinner to you so you don’t have to reference this.v…
on spn_redlow changed redlowval do ( checkLow &spn_redlow.value &spn_redhigh.value ) You are never even using the value …
I actually just wrote this function to do just that! fn getSubDirectoryName thePath = ( local my_arr = filterstring thePath “/\\” local arr_lengt…
Instead of the above approach I get my array of maps used in the scene by using the function getClassInstances BitmapTexture and sort through bmaps…
global rlt_Main global rlt_Sub rollout rlt_Main ( spinner spn_Main “Value:” on spn_Main changed val do rlt_Sub.spn_Sub.val = v…
I believe that means the method returns a boolean if it was successful. Could be wrong.
Absolutely, Happy scripting! -Colin
Create a box, assign a standard material to the box and type: show $.material You’ll find out all of the properties a material has, this one looks i…
This is not meant to be impolite. But this is the wrong forum section. This forum is dedicated to Maxscripting and Software Development. Please vis…
wouldn’t it be possible to just update the #width as the user types?