Many Thanks for the suggestions, I am actively pursuing them as a solution. Thanks for the tip about the inheritance of rotation, is there any maxscr…
pulls up a chair Looking forward to learning along side you Bixel
I can’t stand it when computers try to be smarter than I am, and try and help me out, but in the end they just cause more headache. My relinking sugg…
You could always relink the textures for all the bitmaps using this script: Although there are certainly other ways of doing it. The script might …
Love it! Thanks BoBo.
( fn returnBinary int = ( local placeHolders = #(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768) local tempInt = int local ba…
So you need the binary value for 3487? Could always just add the dec values together (+) and write a function to print the binary. I haven’t checked…
This is pretty darn cool, and alot of fun to break models up with! If I was better I’d try the challenge myself
Alright everyone, this is due today, I really want to see some solutions!
orlenka: yes i can move the files where we want. Thanks for warning me Absolutely, my comment was merely a warning, I can’t count how many times…
Please note: the above will not search recursive sub-directories, check the max script help file for a recursive searching function.
Adding a callback seems unnecessary for everytime you open a file. Personally, most of my files don’t have missing bitmaps and when they do it’s as e…
Thanks for the plug Gravey, if you have any question about running the Relink Bitmaps script please ask here, I’m lurking. -Colin
We often have the same problems with files being too large at render so I wrote a quick script to do searching for large bitmaps and sort them by file…