Too much thanks,SamSed,worked like a charm.
I think this is a better way to fix,thanks.
works !perfect,too much thanks!
lo: depending on your version of 3dsmax, you may need to use getLastRenderedImage copy:off instead of getLastRenderedImage copy:on We actually …
I see,I’ll try,thanks again.
for w in uiaccessor.getPopupDialogs() do ( local firstChild = uiaccessor.getFirstChildWindow w if (uiaccessor.getWindowClassName firstChi…
So it should refresh vfb window,but why it does not work after I run the codes? 🙁
Almost there,finally I found some codes : for w in uiaccessor.getPopupDialogs() do ( local firstChild = uiaccessor.getFirstChildWindow w if …
I just tried ,add the code to render loop,failed.maybe need to refresh VFB window,but how?
In fact,I want to clear here(see below) when I use “max quick render” code to render images one by one,so if the last one does not cleared,the current…
Hi lo,I tried,the empty is a read-only variable,I changed to empty1,but it seemed did not work,the LastRenderedImage still there ,no refreshed or clea…