Alright. Got it.Thanks!
Yes I just tried,and no luck,the Listener threw errors again,even add try catch from top to end like this: try ( … all codes here… … ) catch(…
I want to hide error messages,it seems try() catch() is a best solution,today my script threw an “Unknown error”,maybe somewhere is wrong,I can’t find…
I see ,thanks lo
denisT: sure! just don’t make errors which cause their throwing :shrug: If a script has too many codes,sometimes has bugs,that will cause error,…
I see,thanks a lot!!
Wow!Thank you for taking the time to create this script,denis,I think it’s very professional even though a rough version,I tested,it’s work,awesome!! …
denisT: you need a decoder it’s not hard to write… i think that the task might be an interesting challenge: find all words in a text with ‘invalid…
I know check progress is normal way,but sometimes ,an exe file run once ,then gone,progress can not detect,for example: there is a program named main….
I got an example,is this way right?why I got txt=”” after run? url=”” wc=dotNetClass “System.Net.WebClient” sr=dotNe…