alanloustan: so im trying to make the dropdownlist items that im adding with other button to save when i save the maxfile It should be something…
alanloustan: Thanx alot for your help i redid almost everything to save and load and i do have a small wall when i make the DropdownList it rests…
Because your code DOES NOT have a load function to load value,when you run the codes,the global or local value will be assigned to default again each …
I personally use an array to store data ,whatever type of it: need_save=#(1,2,3,4,5,900) Fn savedata filename data= ( f = CreateFile filename for i=1…
With years experience,I think WebRequest sometimes cause this problem, that’s why most of time this code works,but sometimes,WebRequest can not get da…
Perfect!Thanks a lot paul,with your fixed codes,it’s works like a charm!
Thanks,actually there has a similar maxscript for encryption and decrytion : fn encryptText plainText tKey: tIV: = ( dnConvert = dotnetClass “Sys…
Hi Klaas, Thanks for the code,I will try it later,I totally agree,I am not the only user,yesterday I test a way from Serejah recommend to fix that,jus…
Thanks for greate help,Serejah,you point me a good direction :bowdown:
Thanks for your code,it seems does not work for me,please see attachment, My project need to embed wordpress site,does this cookie function works too?…
I agreed,if maxscript can assign a modern browser, like firefox,oprea etc,I think this issue will be fixed,but,HOW?
Thanks for help,if worked,no messagebox display again,but the js function does not work either,just like I still can not login in the cgsociety via th…
hi,Pete,I’ve just tested,it seemed passed the data correctly like you said.I need do more test in this way of handle data with php,too much thanks and…