Try this rollout rollMain “Main Scripted Material” ( label lblMain “The main rollout” subrollout sr “Sub – 1” on rollMain open do ( addsub…
czweb: how get object group Head? Use isGroupHead yourNode –where yourNode is a valid object node Please refer to docs first before u post you…
To only draw cubes at perphery, simply provide a conditional inside the inner most loop just before you create ChamferBox like this if ((d==1 or d=…
Gibbz: no it was just an example. I want to find the lights currently… Oh ok. 3dsmax has some standard object sets like lights, objects, geomet…
What do you want to do??? Do you want to access all hidden nodes in the current scene?
You can access all lights in the scene using lights object set to iterate over all lights in your scene do this for l in lights do ( print l.nam…
Try this allLightsInSelection = (for obj in selection where superclassof obj==Light collect obj) select allLightsInSelection Hope this helps Mobee…
[QUOTE=losbellos]Hey, – problematic loop for obj in selection do ( if classof obj == Targetobject then ( deselectnode obj ) ) There is no problem in …
Bobo made an awesome script called VolumePreview that does what u want check it out Hope it helps Thanks Mobeen
Try merge <yourXRefScene> where yourXRefScene is an object of type “XRefScene” Search for “XRefScene Values” in maxscript reference for detail…
Register your script as a filepreopen callback refer to maxscript reference topic General Event Callback Mechanism” for details. Thanks Mobeen
Does maxscript compiler echo any variables on the listener??? Have a closer look at the listener for clues. See if there are any undefined variables. …
Its working in 3ds max 5.
A question Which channel do you hold the texturemap in your custom material ?
I tried some objects like box sphere and editable meshes and they run ok on my pc. How have u modelled and textured the character. try this before run…