Hi try this try ( toolmode.commandmode = toolmode.commandmode) catch () this helped me.
Hi, try to use this method shellLaunch (getdir #maxroot + “3dsmax.exe”) (maxFilePath + maxFilename) in this case 3dsmax will open opened scene in ne…
Your problem is here: range:[0,100,2000] First value is minimum spinner value, second is MAXIMUM, and third is default spinner value. Change Your rang…
Hi, there is one mistake in Your code. If You want to make some operation with rollout in another rollout, You must declare first rollout as global, o…
Hi, Bobo. Maybe You know. Did they fix bug with Reactor RigidBodyInterface in MAX9? Here example from MAXScript Reference resetMaxFile #noprompt –r…
If You want to use a lots of rollouts in one floater You must define them as global. Otherwise maxscript will return error every time when You restart…
Try this. It must works. rollout create “create Objects” ( group “what shape do you want to create?” ( radiobuttons rbShape labels:#(“box”,”…
Yes, it is works. Thanks PiXeL_MoNKeY.
Just now create simple box in Max9 and add it to rbc collection, select box, then use command getUserProp $ “Mass” and get undefined, then I try use y…
use “cs[i]” instead “selection[i]” in line newobject = instance selection[i]
maybe because you use “csamount” instead “sccount” in line for i = 1 to csamount do