I’ll be watching this thread with great interest… Creating custom curve editor views (in max 2011, and 2012 was pure misery for me) I was kind of hop…
Most of my heavy lifting CA scripts, are single line calls to functions written in c#. Not only does this help with protecting source code, but runs …
damn good idea
damn thing still goes ‘bing’ … definitely seems to be related to having the modify panel open when deselcting the objects, or changing form the modif…
I’m using nitrous drivers, with Progressive display enabled.
my semi-random test spline has 1 spline 3 knots, roughly U shaped. with subobjectlevel == 3, and whole spline selected or with subobject level == 2, …
Hi Dennis That’s what I came up with as well at first… But the behaviour seems to change when to go into subobject mode 2 or 3. With 2 points per k…
thanks for clearing that up so quickly! I was stumped for literally minutes
Thanks bobo! I was hoping to write something that would be more multi-use later on and was lead astray by the maxscript documentation… Found under N…
Some recent experience of mine may be related, as I have data being generated by multiple dotNet threads, which I am then using to update the position…
In the spirit of trying new things, I’ve been trying to replace several script controllers in my mxs tools with expression controllers. There are som…
Incidentally, has anyone ever seen this error, or know what i means? – Runtime error: dotNet runtime exception: Action being performed on this contro…