Thanks, Dave. So if I understand you right, you’re saying that perhaps using in Coordsys parent might give me an absolute rotation for that part whic…
Thanks – I do appreciate the reply. As it turned out (I’m hoping – as the man said trying to fly from the Empire State Building as he passed the 23r…
Thanks, guys! To both of you, truly I’ve learned something very important (and both of them work a treat). I could of kicked myself for not realizin…
Thanks guys – that does work, but the Max 9 Maxscript documentation does not mention a word about “appendtarget” in Path Constraint. Instead it keeps…
Yes, I’ve tried inverting, but perhaps I’m not inverting at the right point. I’ll keep banging away at it and perhaps after you get back from vacatio…
Well, I can’t stand it. I hate to bother anyone on vacation, but since you appear to be checking here from time to time maybe you’ll take pity on me….
Hey, enjoy your vacation! Don’t think about this kind of stuff now! If you think about it when you get back, I’d appreciate any more info you can pr…
Ben, I’m fairly slow so bear with me – I think I understand your basic approach, but it seems to me the “trick” would be to get the helper objects al…
Jimmy, Thanks for the offer – at some point I might get desperate enough to plead for this, but right now I’m facing so many other issues I don’t kno…
Uh-oh – I’m beginning to think by reading this thread you aren’t referring to Maxscript at all but to the SDK. I’m guessing that won’t help me.
new max9 feature ‘[size=2]SetBipedLocalRotation’ Uh – just what the heck is this? And where did you find it? I’ve searched both the Max as well as …
And the reason you don’t want to USE path constraint is…?