Thanks for all the ideas! Got it sorted now. Charles, you script produced an undo (and gave me my working solution) but made the objects disappear …
Thanks to everyone for the great info!! Bobo (and everyone else… including me) knows I don’t have a clue when it comes to Maxscript! But amazingly, …
John, Thanks for the ideas. I tried adding the ‘==’ but it didn’t delete the dummy. Not sure what the right syntax is. Thanks again.
Pier, Thanks very much for the tips! Didn’t realize that. Thanks again.
Finally got back to this. Thanks very much for the ideas! That does work but then led me to this which also works and is a bit simpler yet: dummy n…
Thanks for the info Eric! I tried the code below but I’m not sure why it’s not working: dummy name:$.name+”_original_object_location_DUMMY” Thanks …
Thanks for that Josh! I felt it would be possible using variables but my meager brain could not figure exactly how. Thanks again to all!
Denis, Thanks very much for your help!! Working great now. Thanks again.
Excellent!.. thank you! What would be an example of create and select newly created node? The next question for this script is: If I already have a…
Good to know… Thanks Bobo!
Marcus, Thanks for that. I have realized that I need to do something slightly different than before. I need to: Get the current frame. Go to …