Sorry, Dave… Thank you very much for your replies but now i tried again everything at my work machine and max failed the same way as when i wrote my f…
hmm, sounds strange for me, but on another machine max doesn’t fail at this scene… don’t know why… but, nevertheless, another question: this code wor…
David, thank you for the reply, but the question was not ‘how to generate the sequence’ – of course it is done using script, the problem is that if th…
thank you, Denis, everything works fine)
hmm i think i want to know what鈥檚 the differ鈥?cause what i want is to replace instance objects to references. i use InstanceMgr.MakeObjectsUnique and …
mmm, just shift+move, reference ))
Hi Denis! Let’s see Create 2 spheres, select them, add any FFD by hand – the lattice volume is one on both spheres, that’s ok. Delete FFD. Sele…
Hi Pen! That’s not what i meant) If you put FFD on some object set by hand, it seems that the ffb lattice is the only one to all the objects. That’s n…
thank you very much, Denis! I want to monitor messages, so WindowsHooks is just what i need, i’m fighting with c# right now…) I’ve already done it usi…
just for example: i want to get to max some data from mouseclick in another application (text in lineedit or smth else)
Thank you, as far as i see, the probem is not in PeekMessage, but that i don’t know how to start a separate thread that will check messages in max. Ma…