i can’t give an answer of your question, but try to force the script to read the input and the output dirs from ini or txt file.
nodeArr = #($Box01,$Box02,$Box03,$Box04,$Box05,$Box06,$Box07,$Box08,$Box09,$Box10) for o in nodeArr where isValidNode o do selectMore o
I don’t have max2010 and up, so I can’t test it, but try this: (may be the object have to be selected) for o in geometry do ( select o PolyToolsModel…
Thanks Erik. Problem solved. Here the code: ( local curObj = $ local tempMesh = snapshotasmesh curObj local faceCount = tempMesh.numfaces delete…
memory:1625880L mean that the operation take less memory than memory:192L?
After some tests with heapfree I came to conclusion that the using of poGV = polyop.getVert for f=1 to node.numverts do (poGV node f) is faster, but…
Hi, denisT! I’m using … predefining(i don’t know how to say in english) of polyOp operations in some of my scripts (this foe example)because I know th…
With polyop.getFaceMatID instead of getFaceMaterial: Editable_Poly: time = 1.25 (not 107.6)
But… ( o = $ st = timestamp() local elementsNum = 0 — Editable_poly local faceCount = polyOp.getNumFaces o local allFaces = #{1..faceCount}…
I tested both methods with teapots with 5 TS modifiers, converted to editable_poly – 517 12 verts #1 ( st = timestamp() local bmin = [1e9,1e9,0],…
Thanks! I solved the problem 10 minutes ago. Is this is your method of getting bbox: –