Node.pos is the position of the pivot. If the pivot is “outside” of the node then the tolerance will not work. The better solution is to use Node.cent…
Thanks, denisT! I will try with icons to avoid problems with missing font.
May be this is what you need: ( if selection.count == 1 and classof selection[1] == Editable_poly do ( local curObj = selection[1] local selFac…
No problem
Thanks…i edited the posts…lost track of the names in my rush Look again. The two codes in this thread are mine – with the two modifiers and with “s…
The second code does not “work” with command panel. The first one try to stop flickering, but the second code is much much faster. in case the origi…
As Gravey suggest: ( st = timestamp() local needObj = #() local getFaceCount = getNumFaces local getFaceMatIDs = getFaceMatID for o in geom…
Try this code: ( st = timestamp() local needObj = #() WM_SETREDRAW=0xB commandHWND = windows.getChildHWND #max “Command Panel” for o in geometry…
JokerMartini: The latest version you posted only works if I replace what you have for line 23 with this line Mainly just adding the [b] to it. i …
To display only the name of the script use this code: ( local fullPath = undefined dir = @”C:\” –//Main Scripts directory …
This work for me, but I think that this is not the right approach. ( local fullPath = undefined dir = @”C:\” –//Main Scripts directory d…
fn fnRunScript s e = –Run the selected script ( format “ % ” ) if sFiles.count > 0 then –//Add the scripts to ap…
Oh, yes. This snipet is from one of script that i.m working now, and the close, flush and gc() are at the bottom of the script(about 100 lines below)….
( local infoFileSavePath = (GetDir #export) local checkInfoFile = infoFileSavePath+”\Statistic.txt” if doesFileExist checkInfoFile then i…