Is this not work: store the pivot transformation reset pivot align your box restore pivot transformation
Download the video and watch it. VIDEO This is my Visual Pivot Placer script. There is a button “localBBox” which align orange cage to local bbox. But…
Are you trying to do somethig like this – see the attached picture? Is this variable is global?
Thank you. Work as I want.
Thank you. That do the trick, but my goal is to clear objects from Reference Coordinate System drop-down list when the ref-object is already deleted.
Thanks, spacefrog! I need to know only when the user rotates the viewport. Pan, move objects, change objects geometry, create new object are not imp…
Thank you very much.
Thanks! I will test your code tonight. I managed to get almost what I want by using getViewTM() wich return the matrix3 of the “active” viewport, but …
@halloween, toolmode.axisConstraints give me the Xy,Yz or Xz axis that user define by clicking on the transform gizmo. @denisT, yes, I want to hide/sh…
I want to show one object1 when XY become active and to hide object2. Then I want to show object 4 when YZ become active and hide object2. When XY bec…