Use this: ( for i = 1 to 8 do ( p = ( execute (“$teapot00″+(i as string)) ).pos print p ) ) or this: ( …
Try THIS script.
I don’t have 3ds max open so this is not tested: thePoint = [0,0,0] –point3 position which i have taken to be [0,0,0] — myObject = the object you …
Thank you Bobo! Maybe this explanation must be included in the maxscript help file.
Read the maxscript reference, search the net and you will learn a lot.
Go here and download version with arrows. This version uses Cone primitives to represent the arrows, because drawing the arrows with gw methods is ver…
I am the author of the liveMeasure, so why you don’t ask me to add this arrows?
Papigiulio: Fantastic scripts unfortunately doesn’t work real time have to switch on and off everytime I change the model. Is that because im using…
Try this two scripts: miauu Measure and Select Live Measure
Yes! Thanks for the correction. I fixed the errors in code above.
In the last code – what the button should show as a text – sliderTime values or case off values? If the text must be sliderTime values put this after …
rollout rol_ “” ( button btn_1 “TEXT” spinner spn_1 “” on spn_1 changed val do ( if val == 100 do btn_1.text = “Text 1” if val == 0 do btn_…