The code from your previous post. The viewport radiobutton must be ON.
Where is the problem? The type of the first spinner I set to type:#float, if it is #integer the value will be 17.
Maybe you want this: rollout rol_ “” ( local cnt01 = 0 local cnt02 = 0.0 local cnt03 = 0.0 spinner spn_01 ” ” range:[0,100000,0] type:#integer s…
Hi, Shawn! Do you tried with resetXform modifier?
Strange thing happens. When I use the 3ak formula , executed line by line, the result is: When I use the 3ak formula in the script the result is: …
Still have the same problem. I will do more tests tomorrow. Thank you.
I begin to think that Max is doing something wrong Here the result from 3ak formula: The objects intersects. With my trigonometric formula there are…
Thanks, 3ak! I will test this later. Denis, the script rotate the books, then placed it at the proper position.
Thanks, Denis! I need it only for 2D. But, when the code is in for loop(while … do also) the result is not what I want. The gaps between books is the…
if $ObjName.isSelected then …. else …..
First place the variables, then the rollout controls. There is no reason the sliders to not work. rollout SwordSmith “Swordsmith” width:260 height:80…
Why you have so many global variables? Global with name obj will definitely cause problems with other scripts. If only the script(rollout) use them – …
Post the code, but if you using if isValidNode sel do delete selin every slider’s event handler and the SEL is only one variable, the object will be d…
Search maxscript Help file for “Scope of Variables”. This is copy-paste: [left]Global variables are visible in all running MAXScript code and hold t…