Today I found this in this scriptspot thread.
Use this(the http link is not valid.): webStr = ((dotNetObject “System.Net.WebClient”).downloadString “”)
You can use the case statement: fn RandomSelectionPoly SO:subobjectlevel = ( case SO of ( 1: () 2: () 4: () ) ) Maybe the b…
Why you want to duplicate built in SetLoopShift? This code works for open edge loop. To test it select some edges that have common verts. They can fo…
Try this: For open edge loop: find the “starting edge” – this is edge that have only one neighbor edge from the loop edges then, using your code fi…
I got this error(max2013 win8pro): Create_User32Assembly() dotNetObject:User32 — Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 3146; …
( global rol_ try(destroyDialog rol_)catch() rollout rol_ “” ( slider sl_01 “My slider” range:[1,100,2] label lbl_01 “” spinner spn_01 “” …
move $ [0,-16.2616,0] move $ [-8.83768,0,0] delete $Plane001 delete $Sphere001 — select $Plane001 — actionMan.executeAction 0 “40020” — Edit: Delet…
( — create object t = teapot() addModifier t (Bend()) addModifier t (Cloth()) addModifier t (Edit_poly()) addModifier t (Edit_Mesh()) a…
Free modifier – Dimension Free script – Dimension Commersial script – miauu’s Scale Tool + video1 + video2
Works. Thank you.
What value? This is the name of the selected object. You can ge it with selection[1].name
Another small update. Use with redraw off to disable viewports redraw when the script assign the matereials to the selected objects. This will improve…
Also, instead of having this part 24 times activeMeditSlot = 2 — set slot 2 to active slot and create a material with the following conditions. …