Maybe this – Primitive Maker by Garp?
The problem is,propably, because when you use drag-n-drop you are not in modify pannel. Put this on top of the code above and the script will work: m…
Try this code. The copy-paste functions is written by denisT. Here the thread with it. I did not test the code. Select the object which you want to co…
I have exactly the same error(Line, Char, Error, Code). I think that the reason is because my Windows 8 is localized to Bulgarian language, but maybe …
I use abbreviation all the time, but I changed the hotkey to Ctrl+D, and everything works. SOmetimes, when I add new abbreviation if I type this: s =…
Works in max2013, but in max2009 gives this error: — Error occurred in findMaterialInstances(); filename: ; position: 111 — Frame: — mat: 03 – …
I have to know if the material is instance or not. The reason is that the script have to change the Diffuse color of the materials, and if I loop thro…
Yes. In material editor I have slot1 with MultiSubobject material with 5 sub materials. In slot5 I have another MultiSubobject material with 10 sub ma…
It have to be “installed” on every 3dsMax that will open the scene?
DaveWortley: We could make a funny thread, showing some really old scripts we all wrote and how we’d make them 100x better and faster now. Can I…
You can’t do it. Try with arrays – in loop fill the array and use its elements as variables.
Mirror in max just scale the object with negative value. Create a teapot, mirror it on one or more axis and check, open Scale Transform Type In and ch…
Or, if you want to stay with for loop use this: fn GetBordersUsingEdgeMesh Obj:$ Sel:(getEdgeSelection $) = ( local AllBorderSel = (meshop.getO…