Just a shot in the darkness Ok. Good night to both of you.
? fn getRootGroupHead node = if isGroupMember node do
Last attempt and I will leave you: fn getRootGroupHead node = if isValidNode node do ( while node.parent != undefined and (isgrouphead node.pare…
He got this temperature 1,5 h ago.
My son have 39.5 deg body temperature. I don’t have much time, but Denis, can you tell me(us) when this will not works? while obj.parent != undefined…
Is this correct? ( obj = $Box001 while obj.parent != undefined and (isGroupHead obj.parent) do obj = obj.parent print obj )
Return the correct result. Denis have to say how close it is to his solution. Mine is far far away.
Denis have one line solution, I have 100 lines solution – ugly, but I hope my solution to works properly no matter of how big the code is. ( loca…
Branko, this is infinite while loop. The obj never changes, so its parent never changes and the max continue to execute the while loop. The function …
The problem with your code is that the polyop.getFaceSelection requires one more parametter – you commented it. Why? Also, the selectedFaces variable …
I think that the porblem with controls alignment is… the Windows is the problem. The same monitor on Windows XP,7,8 – I have a script whose controls a…
I have a script that allows you to set the distance between clones. You can see how it works here.
You can try to do it yourself. Check maxscript help file for “Scripted Mouse Tools” and start writhig.
Can we rearrange the radiobutons? try(destroydialog a) catch() rollout a “Bad” width:200 ( group “Normal Map: ” ( label space_lb “Space:” align:…
try(destroydialog a) catch() rollout a “Bad” width:200 ( group “Normal Map: ” ( label space_lb “Space:” across:2 align:#right offset:[-50,1]…