PiXeL_MoNKeY, thank you.
Thank you. This works as I want. denisT: that’s the feature from the first days of max. doing that they try to fix a little slit between uvw …
The first and the second image in my first post – the gizmo have to be placed as in the second image. The point of rotation is [40,50,0]. The gizmo fi…
Thank you. Works perfectly when the center of rotation is p.min, but with other coordinates the gizmo is not aligned to the center of rotation. For ex…
When you press ALT(as Denis suggegst) to pop up the dialog with the edittext use setFocus so the mouse cursor will go to editText field and you can st…
Swordslayer, thank you. Branko, Denis, you was right. The NodeEventCallback with #subobjectSelectionChanged event works as I want. Thank you.
Edit:What is written below is not true. #subobjectSelectionChanged shows the current subobject level. I mean when you change the subobjectlvel from v…
Using this the Z axis of the slected object will points to center of the viewport selection[1].dir = (Inverse(getViewTM()))[3]
Did you tried RTTAssist? You can find it in my signature. The script is not encrypted and you can see the code. The script provides an option to bake …
It’s my turn to thank Denis – thank you.