The function below is written by denisT. I modified it slightly. I am sure that he can offer better solution than this, but it works s – the local …
This will reset xform [i]ResetXForm[/i] <node>– mapped method What do you want to do with the pivot? There is examples in the form that shows…
Why sometimes is so hard to find something so obvious. Thank you.
spacefrog: Edit: ahh – now after reading the other responses i understand that you do’t want to be limited to edit poly Yep. With other words I…
Thank you. This works for Editable Poly and Edit Poly objects. For Editable_mesh, Path, nurbs it not works. Also, this will not tell me if the user …
Actually sometimes using this(in your code): local moGetVert = getVert is faster, sometimes is slower.
With the original code from Denis – time: 325 When I use this: local moGetVert = getVert for i = 1 to amesh.numverts where distance (moGetVert am…
Max 2014 SP1 64bit + Win8 TS = 0 mesh >> open edges:3920 time:146 memory:1287872L TS = 1 mesh >> open edges:7840 time:947 memory:3172896L…
I made a script that uses gw, but the performance was… My way to acheive this was to check if the edges are visible in the viewport and if they are n…
What is shown in the image is not extrude, but is how max changes the box width/length/height. If you don’t want to convert the box to editable poly/m…
It makes all names(of the instances) the same on my max2014. I need to make submat unique. Then the name can be changed. Edit: Found how to do it: …
Try to draw 1000 GW lines and see the viewport performance.
Anither question – how to move the gizmo in the gizmo local space? When the gizmo is not rotated its local space match the object local space, but whe…