kredka: I check your code to remove unused modyfiers however this one not work at all, can you test it? Thank You anyway best part is done already. …
The script collects all missing plugins and removes them. So, delete the part of the code, that removes the missing plugins and use the collected miss…
Go here and use “removeMissingPlugins v0.1 beta” to solve your problems.
objNamee = selection[1] $ = selection[1].name will gives you the name of the selected object, not the object.
Just close the code from Archangel35757 with “(” and “)” ( newArray = #() local omitObj = false for obj in selection do ( if (obj.modifiers)…
Create new mse with, all the changes, and delete the old one.
Thank you, Denis! I am not so good, as I want, to write maxscript version of Projection modifier. So, I will stay with Proj mod.
Link to the sample scene. If there are overlaped UV elements, as in the scene, the Projection modifier not works.
RappyBMX: i also have an account on that forum… Thank you.
Thank you. The registration on the forum is closed, the last post is from April 2013…it seams that the site is down.
Why not use the polyop.MoveVert? It works faster for large amount of verts. For the Undo problem – did you tried the theHold.begin() and theHold.Accep…
There are examples by denisT on the forum, that shows how to press the bottun in Modofy Panel. Try to find it.
The problem is that when you run the script the fn is not executed, so the INIContent stays empty. rollout myprojects ” My Projects” ( local INICont…