2 – loop through all verts and find the one with lower Z position. 3 – you want to remove ResetXform without collapsing the stack, but keep the object…
i had the same problem with dropdownlist in rollout that is docked and max2014. When the rollout is not docked the ddl works, but when you dosk it – d…
RenderMap is slow, but produces image with better quality. This is the thread.
You can use rendermap. It will produce better result because filtering can be used(or not). Other way is to create new map with desired dimension and…
Here you can download my RTTAssist script. The code is not encrypted. One of the features of the RTTAssist is the feature that you want for your scrip…
This local filesArr01 = #(“C:\1\file011″,”C:\1\file021″,”C:\1\file013”) is just an example. file_011 can be directory or file name. You know what …
( global rol_test try(destroyDialog rol_test)catch() rollout rol_test “” ( local filesArr01 = #(“C:\1\file011″,”C:\1\file021”,”C:\1\file013…
You can change the text(caption) of labels, buttons, checkboxes controls. They are not static. About case vs. If then else I hope this will helps you:…
You are right. rollout test “Test Timer” ( timer clock “testClock” interval:10 active:false–tick once a second label test “1” button btn_s…
I hope that this will helps you. rollout test “Test Timer” ( local tickCnt = 0 timer clock “testClock” interval:10 active:false–tick once…
Even something like this: for i = 1 to 100 while i != 50 where (mod i 2 == 0) do print i
LegatoBluesummers: Hi, on btn_pos_X pressed do ( for o in $ do (rand_pos o spn_pos_X.value 0 0) ) on btn_pos_Y pressed do ( for…
What do you mean by align all of their pivots to (0,0,0) ? Do you want all pivots to be at world 0,0,0 In this case you can use: selection.pivot = …
You can use [i]fileOpenMatLib/i to load the max file. All materials from the loaded file will be shown in the Material/Map Browser as Temporary Librar…