Olygraph: HI, I have a simple script to copy vertices position from one mesh to another mesh with same point order, different pose. theMesh = selec…
My bad. posInScreen = gw.wTransPoint objCatch.pos posInScreen.z = 0 gw.wText posInScreen taggs_array[1] color:text_color
posInScreen = gw.wTransPoint objCatch.pos posInScreen.z = 0 gw.text posInScreen taggs_array[1] color:text_color
DenisT has showed the solution a while ago. Use posInScreen = objCatch.pos posInScreen.z = 0 ge.text posInScreen taggs_array[1] color:text_color
Thank you. I know nothing about c# and can’t find a way to convert this to maxscript, or to be used in a script.
( bitmapFiles = getFiles “C:\ emp\\FumeSScale\\icons\\*.bmp” bitmapFilesNames = for f in bitmapFiles collect getFilenameFile f )
Check this thread. I think that it is very easy to write a better function that will gives you the order of the edges and the verts in the same time.
Use for loop to loop through all verts, measure the distance between the given point and each vert and you will get the closest vert.
Put the “action” code to a function. Then you can use: on ckb56_efects mouseDown senderArg arg do ( call the function ) and anywhere in your…
How heavy are your objects, so finding the vert with lower Z pos is too slow for you? For example on object with 240 000 verts the code below finds th…
I use it in one of my scripts to select splines under the cursor and it works pretty well. For mesh objects I use IntersectRay which works with editab…
Did you tried Picking Scene Nodes By Region?