You mean that I have to create matrix for each tangent and apply those matrices to the tangents?
This is solution, but it will works with objects that is “modified” by the script. I want to modify the spline, so no matter how objects uses the spl…
You will have much nicer image if you use renderMap … filter:on
O vs Slashed Zero
My votes: Sometimes(not most of the times) #Client of my tool makes concept of UI for me #I try to make my own original design for UI
I always use “function” and all of my function names starts with capital letter. All of my variables starts with small letter. So, the same as grabjac…
I’ve solve the problem using UIAccessors the same day I asked for easier solution.
Thank you. I need, when Max starts, the Convert Units to be Off. The fight begins.
The same is for multilistbox. Multiplying by 16, 17 or 18 will solve the problem.
I know that .height have to be set in pixels. For editText control, in the maxscritp help file, you can read about its height property this: If an…
Your syntax is wrong. Use this: lxb_scripts.height = your value
Check the attached image. The userIcons folder is in AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 – 64bit\ENU Nothing is moved.
How much are the vertices on your scene? Can you upload it? The polyop.SetVert can be used to set the position of all verts at once, not per vertex, w…