Denis showed a solution of this using Vol Select modifier.
I always use “if…do” if a statement doesn’t need “else”.
I always use metric units, but can’t force anyone else to use them.
I need this: “83.054”” to not brake the whole string, so when I use execute command the returned value to be an array and the “83.054”” to be read…
Yep. I use findString and replace the first ” with ’ ‘(without the space).
Thank you. It works. For some stupid reasons I tried matchpattern <string> pattern:”\”\”” , but not including *.
Use: GetHandleByAnim <object> GetAnimByHandle <integer>
In your example the Edit_poly modifier is defined before to be applied to the objects. If the Edit_Poly modifier is already applied to one object(par…
It is discussed here(I think) – when Edit Poly modifier is copied by script the changes of the geometry are not transferred to the new object. The “co…
First download and watch this video. This is the code that I use when the rollout with the buttons are created. I use the same code to dock the rollo…
Watch this video. // The docking part starts from 1:50. This script alwas run when 3dsMax starts and it is always docked to the …
Thank you for the explanation.
Thank you for the explanation Denis. This returns the proper values: near = nearestpathparam sp 1 pos cp = interpCurve3D sp 1 near pathParam:on…