The comedy continues. Now the original thread of Maxscript Protector in have new name: “Copy-paste editable poly selection”, and offers…
To everyone’s attention. See this: As you know, the nickname of Voitech Cada is not “debro”. It is Swordslayer and he is well know here. I don’t kn…
Copy – paste from about Maxscript Protector: Submitted by 3DZver on Mon: Submitted by 3DZver on Mon, 2018-01-29 16:06. Maxscrip…
Yes. But it cost $29. And we will not see a script protected with this tool.
This script have a long story. In the scrip’s thread had several changes of the names, several times the script changed what it does an…
Denis showed this in the forum, but using maxscript. The complied plugin version is for him, you and all other guys that knows how to use C++/C# for t…
I have a text file where I put all words that I don’t want to be replaced with random generated strings. If I don’t want the “property” to be replaced…
The tool that I use is written in pyton. I’ve pay to a guy to wrote it for me, because I know nothing about pyton or any other language that can be us…
denisT: i’m glad you like it but i worry that all new scripts on ScriptSpot will be written this way soon. Almost all of my commersial scripts a…
Denis, I remember that you had posted similar solutions a while ago along with rearanging the radiobuttons.
If I understand you correctly, my whole script have to be converted to a string. Then that string have to be encrypted with your function and the resu…
I had almost the same problem with 3dsmax localized in German and the Edit Poly modifier. In my scripts I always use: EditPolyMod.setSelection obj.Ed…
gazybara: I’m not going to participate here. The last time was painful. The last time we learned something new and useful.
Drathir: can you tell me how can i kill some GW.* I used 2 times the same name of function – registerRedrawViewsCallback fn_xxx and unregisterRedraw…