I think that it is better to rename the first[1] to first01. This way you will know that this is the first element from the first array, but the name …
But the tangent must be perpendicular to the radius in the tangent point. If you draw a circle in 3dsmax then print it on paper, then draw a circle ov…
Me too, but I am curious why the 3dsMax tangent snap is so inacurate. Also, I am curious how the tangent snap works for curved splines that are not ci…
You can try to create the file and write in it with dotnet.
What about the 3dsMax temp folder: pathConfig.GetDir #temp For 3dsMax 2014 tha path is: “C:\Users\You_User_name\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2014 …
a year ago I found the same: rendermap render previous viewport state. Still don’t know why.
( global rol_saveObjectToFile try(destroyDialog rol_saveObjectToFile)catch() rollout rol_saveObjectToFile “SAVE GROUPS” ( local savePath = undef…
( global rol_saveObjectToFile try(destroyDialog rol_saveObjectToFile)catch() rollout rol_saveObjectToFile “SAVE” ( local savePath = undefined …
I don’t know if it is possible to disable it(i think that it is not), but you can try to increase the MXS heap size in your script with an amount that…
The easiest way to avoid this error is to put that line in try()catch() statement. try(mysubmtls[a].name = (theFileNamePrefix+”_”+mysubmtls[a].name)…
The values that i get – Windows 8.1 x64, 8GB RAM. All 3dsMax version are x64. 2009 = 435 recursions 2010 = 385 recursions 2011 = 383 recursions 2012 …
I think that this will not help but, Using this: ( fn test v = ( if v > 0 do ( print (v-1) n = test (v-1) ) ) …