Maybe you can find a working code in this thread. Denis has shown some useful functions.
You can try also with UIAccessors. Create vray light, select it and open Modify panel, so you can see all parameters of the light. Then execute this i…
Try this: create a vray liht with default parameters. Select it. in the Maxscript Listener type show $ you will see all parameters that you can …
Why not monitoring when the preview is done and the file is saved and then change the file name and destination?
You can: use a timer that will check each(for example) second for opened windows and will close them check callbacks – I don’t know if they will giv…
One advice – search the forum about local and global variables and especially for how to (not)use global variables. One example: your script define …
( for i = 0 to layerManager.count-1 do ( layer = layermanager.getLayer i layer.wirecolor=(color i 0 0); ) )
already explained
Using the userscripts folder is the easyest way. You don’t need to know the user name fo the user that currently uses the PC. Go here and download the…
One of the problems is that sometimes 3dsMax is installed on PC that have multiple user accounts. 10 people can use the same PC with 10 different acco…
Since the bones will be inside the mesh you have to write a script that when a mesh is selected will check if there is a bone inside that mesh(inside …
Why not using this instead:
Editable Poly Dependencies: ReferenceTarget:ParamBlock2 ReferenceTarget:MasterPointControlImp OK
Using [b][i]filterString [/i][/b] ( selObjName = selection[1].name — “Teapot001_va” str = filterString selObjName “_” –> #(“Teapot001”, …
Typing the same time. I saw your answer after posting mine. Since the t1, t2 and t3 are float values using == is not good I think.