What I use is to press the Mark All button and then wit F2 to go to desired line. Very annoying. When there is an error in the listener is printed the…
( fn AlignPivotToFace node face:1 type:#z_up = if iskindof node Editable_Poly do ( c = polyop.getfacecenter node face n = polyop.getfacenormal n…
Since, you want to work with Edit Poly modifeir: ( newObj = Selection[1] oldObj = Selection[2] Ep = Edit_Poly() addModifier oldObj Ep — sele…
To cover open groups you have to ause this: arr = for o in objects where not (isgroupmember o or isgrouphead o or isOpenGroupMember o or isOpenGroup…
I don’t know if this will works but try with isKindOf
There is a similar thread on the forum.
No. Cinema4d can.
denisT: this fact and the task with arrays are related anyhow, aren’t they? anyway … my congratulations! Thank you. Yes, it is related anyho…
denisT: ??? arr = #(0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 30, 31, 40, 50, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90, 91) ( new = #(#(1)) fo…
Thank you. I’ve tried several times to strat with while loop, but with no success.
try2script: and one more situation is when max is not responding, but still running, then I would like also to stop it from task manager and restart…
Try this script: Primitive Maker.
I just tested it. In Prespective viewprot the fn works with no problems. In orthographic viewports the fn works a bit strange. When the ortho viewport…