cui.loadConfig <filename_string> menuMan.loadMenuFile “MaxModelingMenu.mnu”
I did not have spare time to write that I found whre is the problem. The script works this way: select one edge execute the script(via the toolb…
I’ve deleted the ENU folder and the problem still exist. The script select edge loops. Can’t test it with Editable mesh obejcts. But it ot works with…
I’ve tested in 2013, 2014, 2017 and it not works. The problem is not Shift+D. Any assigned hotkey not works. Alt+Shift+Ctrl+D which is not asigned to…
I use the controls property all the time. Especially when I have to save and load settings of an rolout. ( — load settings on rol_MyRollout open …
Use this as a reference: global testRollout rollout testRollout “a test” ( button btn1 “buton1” button btn2 “buton2” button btn3 “buton3…
That’s why I prefer the built-in NamedSelectionSets.
I’ve thought to offer him a solution with editText field and listbox. He can select the objects, enter the name, hit Enter and in the listbox will app…
Something like this: ( try(destroyDialog test)catch() rollout test “Test” width:191 height:83 ( local grp1Arr = undefined local grp2Arr = und…
Why you don’t use the Named Selection Set? You can create as many selSets as you want and won’t be limited by the UI of the script. But: -craete sepa…
Create a Donut shape. Then convert it to an editable spline. Go to Spline sub-object level and select the outher splines. in the Modify Panel, on the …
I know this, but it is there for a long time. so I just grabbed the code to show an example. aaandres, denisT, thank you. Both solutions works. I had…
The same error: — Runtime error: getPointPos requires a node
Like this: posCmdStr += “(pos = (getPointPos miauuRefObj.baseobject ((knot * 3) – 1) ); return pos )” The result — Runtime error: getPointPos r…