I needed the bookmark code to change the color of the bookmarekd lines. Thank you again. Now is time to update the Abbreviation file and to save it fo…
This works. Thank you. I was reading the It is mentoined there, But you found it first. Thank you again.
Serejah: Nothing changes for me when I toggle a bookmark using Ctrl+F2. Moreover I couldn’t find a setting to make my 2012 max editor background dar…
My bad. To have several lines colored as in the image you have to use Ctrl+F2(Toggle bookmark). And I want to change the color that is used to highglu…
I use my own color them, also dark, but different than the Dark Theme. I have a problem with the color that is used to highlight the row when the F2 i…
Maybe this can helps you:
I don’t have kinematic-lab and don’t know how it works. You can try this: macroScript Convert_IndObjs_to_IndMultimesher_objs category:”My_tools” ( …
The MultiMEsher function is not defined when you run your code for the first time. First you have to execute the Multimesher function, so if it is a g…
The name of your function is MultiMesh, but in the function you call the MultiMesher, which not exist and it is reported as undefined (MultiMesher Sou…
To skip the target object: camsARr = for o in cameras where classof o != targetobject collect o
Unfortunately I can’t. The video in the other thread shows a very strange problem. As you can see the code is pretty simple and what is shown in the v…
Thank you for the help, guys. The big problem is that 3dsMax shows that the object is not rotated, but when I get the .transform property the objects …
Thank you. Everything works fine, except when I put the code in the script. Instead of 15 deg I get 14.98. Do you know why this not works: theRotT…