Yes, and thanks to you, everyone can learn how to do it. This is valid for Max 2017 also: By the way, in 3dsmax 2014, when I select the edges in ed…
denisT: see! you can… so why did you say you are not a master? but… in both cases you loose selection (or sub-selection) You are a maxscript m…
denisT: screw <2014 ! I still use 2014 for writing scripts. If the same modifier is applied to several objects then,: ( selObsArr = selec…
denisT: if iskindof (m = modpanel.getcurrentobject()) Edit_Poly do ( for sub = 1 to 3 do m.setselection sub #{} ) why? #1 because same modifier…
denisT: the code above is too ‘unsafe’ for a master I still consider myself as not a master. He can add code to make his script to be safe, to…
macroScript Macro2 category:”DragAndDrop” toolTip:”” ( modPanel.setCurrentObject $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly] for i = 1 to 5 do ( subobjectlevel = i …
Separate the headerd in .mcr(header.mcr) file and the body of the script in .ms( or body.mse) file. When you want to evaluate the macro fileIn …
This will rename all objects in all nested layers in the layer with the name “Clones” ( nestedLayersArr = #() function GetObjectsInLayer layer: …
If you need a maxscript solution put this in the maxRoot/Scripts/Startup folder ( global rol_ try(destroyDialog rol_)catch() rollout rol_ “” ( …
Read the names of the objects in the file and search for “cam” or “camera” in their names. Not 100% correct method, but… getMAXFileObjectNames() O…
redrawViews() or forceCompleteRedraw()
How the end result should looks? I mean the obfuscated code.
Thank you.
Serejah: Now it’s time to thank LO for his great windowShopper script Check this out. I’ve set ctrl+shift+X as a hotkey for setting date This scr…