DenisT has posted a solution a while ago. ( global _points = #() global _pmouse = undefined unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback drawRubberband fn dra…
Thank you. From many years I use undocumented Edit Poly methods listed here:
Run this script. Then you will find it in “secondplace” category. macroscript qudrifyAll_customMod category:”secondplace” tooltip:”Quadrify All” but…
I don’t know why you want to let the user to choose where to save the INI file. Everything can be saced in one INI file and the settings can be loaded…
Maybe something like this: ( global rol_ try(destroyDialog rol_)catch() rollout rol_ “” ( local myRolloutINISettingsPath = (getFilenamePath (g…
Check this script: I use some code posted here, in the forum, so you can try to find the original.
I saw this in Good job.
Try this and be sure that the blocl.dwg is located in F: drive. macroscript ImportDWGFile category:”CarlosPaiva” tooltip:”Import DWG file” buttonTex…
I can’t understnad wyat exactly you want to acheive, but the code below will import the “F:\File.dwg” to the current scene. Save it as .MCR file and i…
RGhost: // Problem is it doesn’t works as expected… Yes. Not works in max 2014 too. The object must be reselected manually.
3dsMax 2017. 10 spheres in the scene, converted to editable poly objects. The cage color is the default. Your code is executed. When I select a sphere…
You can use the UI from this script: . Modify it to browse for fodler where to copy the files.
I think that I have to pay to someone to make a dlx file with all useful examples found in the forum and in the net. Recompiling for newer 3dsa max ve…
I believe you. Now you know whay I am not a master.
I’ve tested your code ( if iskindof (m = modpanel.getcurrentobject()) Edit_Poly do ( for node in selection do for sub = 1 to 3 do m.setselectio…