You already have the code: a = openBitmap @”c: emp est.jpg” setAsBackground a In 3ds Max 2014 those two lines sets the file path in the Viewprot C…
Using your code I can’t set the BG image in 3ds Max 2014. But this works: open Viewport Configuration window go to Background tab check Use Files, s…
I am asking because I am curious which is faster when heavy spline(hundreds of splines, knots, etc.) is used – adding a modifier or attaching to an em…
Serejah: Thanks. I tried that too. That’s ridiculous how could I forget about edit_spline modifier . ln = line() addNewSpline ln addKnot ln 1 #cor…
Ugly, but you will have the line “converted” to splineShape. ( ln = line() addNewSpline ln addKnot ln 1 #corner #line [1,0,0] addKno…
When I want to get the verts of all selected uv edges and then to restore the edge selection using the collected uv verts I have to select uv edges on…
This function is from SDK: function GetTVEdgeVert index whichEnd = ( if ((index < 0) || (index >= TVMaps.ePtrList.Count())) …
TVMaps and all data related to it: TVMaps.gePtrList.Count, TVMaps.geomPoints.Count, etc.
( — credit to James Haywood function DoesFolderExist f create:false = ( local val val = if (doesFileExist f) and (getf…
( script01 = “path 1” script02 = “path 2” if doesFileExisst script01 then fileIn script01 else ( if doesFileE…
Different approaches leads to different results.
Yes. Maxscript is not too fast in this situation, but sometimes even 30 sec is faster than doing all this manually.
Before to answer me I ran the script. 3ds Max 2014. Plane 100×100 segments, 11658 selected uv edges. Time to convert selection to mesh edges – 374.03…
HI! I suppose that you asked me a question in my blog about the speed of Transform Edges script. Can you tell me how exactly to test the script? How …